Hello to all of you plant people, Do any of you know whether there is a similar resource such as this one in the northeast? I am in Massachusetts. Thanks very much. chpielme
We provide a list of other forums if you're not finding what you need here. That being said, the intent of these forums is to be global in nature.
chpielme, you won't need a northeast source when you see that some of the frequent and experienced people at this forum are from the United Kingdom, Italy, France, India, and I believe even one from Bulgaria? Plus a lot of Canadians who live in the northeast with similar plants and growing conditions to yours. Here you'll often see questions originating in the U.S.; people who've come to rely on these forums for speedy and concise replies from the experts. I know I do. Stick around...these folks will grow on you!
Thank you all. I am finding the site a bit difficult to manage but with experience, I know I will love it. I am passing the web address along to another Zone 5 MA friend. chpielme