Trying to make sure what silvery pubescence looks like. Are these silvery pubescences in the pictures?
I have read a distinguishing characteristic of ever red is the silvery pubescence covering the leaf in spring as the leaf is unfolding (see the link below) and somehow I had an impression that only ever red has the sivery pubescence. The first picture is my Inaba shidare, and the second one bloodgood (at least they were labeled so when I bought them a year ago). Planting more, learning more and having more fun - thanks, Ron.
Mislead Unfortunately, I have had to ask the same question as you as I found that this characteristic is only specifically mentioned by Vertrees when referring to Dissectum Nirgum/ Ever Red. In reality, many red dissectums and atropurpuruem-descendant maples have this characteristic. While it is not usesful in an of itself to make an ID, it is one piece of the puzzle. Now to learn and ID the maple it will take color, leaf shape and size as well as vein color and the appearance of the underside of the leaf as well as growth habit. I can't say that I can help too much more as I will be spending the spring looking for these sorts of things to sort things out. MJH
Thank you, Michael. BTW, I enjoyed your pictures of Peaches and Cream posted on the other maple site. I even bought a tree after. I will post a couple of pictures to share.
Here are a couple photos of one of my dissectums. The shots were taken today and one shows the remaining pubescence on the new leaves and the other shows the appearance of the branches. I think you will this a bit more visible on my tree in comparison. An important point in discerning the degree of this characteristic on different cultivars of dissectum atropurpureum. MJH More later.
I think these photos also may show some form of silvery pubescence on my suminigashi, which just started budding late last week.