i have a large area at the base of the tree where the bark has rotted. i need to know if this is a problem or just a side affect of the rapid growth. i palnted the tree 5 years ago it was 3" diameter. it is now about 9". the tree has a great looking canopy and appears to be healthy. thanks, Tom
Hi Tom, The problem at the bottom looks like strimmer damage to me. I don't think it's extensive enough to threaten the tree at least in the near term. The vertical slash is normal trunk expansion IMHO. Hard to tell but looks as if there might be girdling roots, that would be the major issue. I don't claim to be an expert, just MO. -E
thanks for the info. i see what you mean about the girdling root. i took another picture of the opposite side of the trunk. should i cut that root off?
Yes, I'd remove the small root. But it is the other roots, which you can't remove, which may doom the tree in the end. I do see now there's collar damage to both sides, which combined with the root situation is not wonderful. There are probably folks here who would recommend that you cut your losses and replace the tree. My sense would be to wait and see how things develop for a few more years: sometimes the root system will straighten itself out. In any case a qualified tree man on the scene can give much better advice than we can from a few pictures. Probably worth a few bob to get local advice. Good luck, -E
once again thanks (I think) for the advice. i hate the thought of losing the tree but sure would not be happy if it fell on my roof.