I have a silver lace vine that I bought two summers ago and it is spreading like crazy. It has grown over a large rhododendrum and it's blooming beautifully and has also spread up to our deck and growing around it. The blooms are beautiful but messy when they die off. I want to know if I should cut it back in the fall as I'm worried it might choke the Rhodo or will the vine just die back on it's own. I read somewhere that they consider it a weed in some places as it is so invasive, I didn't realize this when I bought it but I do think it's beautiful I just don't want it to kill my huge rhodo. If anyone has a info on this beautiful vine please let me know. Thank you The Foxglove Lady #2
Late winter or early spring cut down to 3' tall and move to a more suitable planting site. Can rapidly grow large.