Sick Yucca

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by NewbieYucca, May 27, 2015.

  1. NewbieYucca

    NewbieYucca New Member

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    Boston MA
    Hello! I recently got a large Yucca plant as a gift and I think it has some problems.

    A few (probably 5%) of the leaves were brown/turning brown and dying. Others have brown tips on them while others have brown spots in the middle. I removed the already dead leaves, and left the ones with dark spots.

    Everything I've read so far seems to suggest it most likely has been over-watered. I have had it for about a week and haven't watered yet because the soil about an inch down still feels damp. I am thinking that if in fact the brown leaves are from over-watering at the store, it might not be in the best soil and I was hoping someone could suggest the best mix of soil to replant my Yucca in so it drains properly.

    Or if you think there may be another issue with my Yucca please let me know!!

    Thank you!
  2. T311

    T311 Member

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    Yankton, SD USa
    It could have been in shock from the change of environment (Humidity+Temp). How did it turn out?

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