Hi - I am new to keeping catcus and have a sick one (see photo) it is leaking from four different areas and is giving off a strong smell. Is there anything we can do to help?
Hi! Hm... but what is a "catcus" ?! Something like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bodofotoz/2960701918/? :))) If yes, then maybe you need immediately a veterinary surgeon... :(
she didn't mean a cat!! she ment a cactus, there is no pictures robin inch, what type of cactus is it?
I have just inherited a Ritterocereus pruinosus - Silver totem pole cactus ( I know because the tag was still left in the pot from the nursery) with the same problem.. It was in a cold and dark garage being totally neglected, so I brought it home and it started "bleeding." Here are some pictures: http://etuanlecroix.com/hold/cactus/img_2662.jpg http://etuanlecroix.com/hold/cactus/img_2666.jpg Any suggestions for how to nurse this little guy back to health?
I dont know if it is me but..... this cactus looks worse than the other cactus,that brown stuff looks like roting flesh? :)
The brown stuff is a sticky sappish fluid oozing from 4 or 5 spots on the cactus. Maybe it's rotting on the inside and that's the cause of the ooze? I know this plant is in bad shape - is there any hope for it though?
If your cactus was in a cold dark place before, it may be reacting to the sudden change of temperatures and light. I wouldn't give it any direct sun for a while, instead, give it brighter and brighter light in stages" so it gets used to the change slowly.Direct sun can burn cactus, especially one that's been in the dark. As for the bleeding, try wiping it down as best as you can with either a small soft cloth, or Q-Tip using plain water to clean it up, although, any scarring will not go away. You also might want to ck for any pest while your at it, just in case.