I left on holidays and someone was taking care of my money tree... not so good care. Came back and the leafs were gone almost all and the ones still on the tree were all yellow and burnt. Stoped the watering, but already one of the roots is completly dry and is not pushing anything. The other 3 have some small leafs coming, however in one of them, the little new ones are dry also and about to die. What can I do?? Can someone please give me some advice? Am I going to lose it? It`s such a beautiful plant and is almost 40 years old, so it will be so sad to lose so many years in 1 month!! I have not put any water for over a week, should I try watering a bit? Thanks
Thats funny we had a post hear last week from someone who was looking after the same tree for someone with the same symptoms. Mmmmm, coincidence or same plant. I'll try and find the post for you. Ed
That's really funny, maybe it was my friend freaking out because she had almost killed my beautiful plant! I look forward to any suggestions, the money tree is very sad. Thanks V.
Finally I managed to get some pics of my sick plant. It is actually getting worse... it does have some leafs that are pushing but the little new leafs that were coming out have just died before even giving any proper leafs.... Can someone please give me a hand? I'm sooo sad of my poor money tree....
You might want to have a look at this site and just use the process of elimination to ensure what your doing is correct www.valentine.gr/pachira_en.htm Good luck Ed
Thanks Ed, just checked the site... was doing everything as per the recommendations from the site. As I said earlier I think it's been over watered by my friend. I've been thinking that perhaps I could re-plant it into dry soil. Any thoughts? Thank you. V
I'd probably leave that pot to dry out and see what happens before you do that and if it is still going downhill maybe try then?? Ed