Sick or Dying?? Bald Cypress

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by brains449, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. brains449

    brains449 Member

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    Peotone Illinois USA
    I live in Illinois in zone 5 and I have a bald cypress that is about 15 years old. About 5 years ago, it started turning brown in July. I have asked at some local nurseries and followed their advice of Lots of Water, checking the soil PH, and I finally called out an arborist last year. He just felt the tree needed more nutrition. They fed the tree through the trunk and around the dripline. $200.00 later, I was sure the tree would be great this year. Started out the spring a beautiful green color but sure enough, come July it was turning brown again. I recently noticed that all of the old growth is brown, but the new growth is still green. There is also some twig dieback. Has anyone seen this before? We don't want to cut the tree down, it is our favorite tree. Our soil is a clay type and the tree gets full sun in the am and partial sun in the pm. Also, it has never produced cones. The tree hangs on to its needles until late fall. Even though the needles start turning brown in July, they do not fall off until the normal time for them to shed their needles. Thanks for any help.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    If nutrient problem suspected soil should be tested for nutrients, not just pH. Fertilizer put on last year probably wouldn't affect this year's appearance, depending on specifics involved. Since it's chronic and does not affect newest leaves chemical problem (deficiency, toxicity, or both) does seem likely. Perhaps you even have a trace element that is poisoning the tree or is lacking, try contacting Illinois Cooperative Extension for assistance with soil testing. You may have to order more than one series to discover a critical factor.
  3. Dixie

    Dixie Active Member

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    Arkansas, USA
    our campus has several, okay many, bald cypress and i haven't seen one to look like that. ours are bronzing due to 100 degree temps and no rainfall. it does look like some sort of nutrient issue. no spider mites visible? the color doesn't look right for spider mites, but thought i would ask. definitely take a soil test, ours are free, to check for macro/micro nutrients and pH. something is definitely off.

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