Sick microdaysis & spiral cactus please help

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by Caz, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. Caz

    Caz New Member

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    Hi, wondering if anyone can please help/advise me on two of my cacti, Last month I noticed white fluffy bits appearing on my opuntia microdaysis. Mealy bug infection :( Checked others nearby but they seem ok so just monitoring but the opuntia is the only one I know was infected so far (other than a new senico mont blanc which I think was the culprit that infected it). Been treating with isopropyl alcohol water mix which has killed off most of the bugs on the cactus, mon blanc died as I think was too far gone, it arrived wilty, & in the short time I had it never thrived but shrivelled up & turned brown on the stem with odd black pinprick sized holes all over the stem as well. I also sprayed the cactus with asystemic pesticide yesterday to kill any stragglers and prevent reinfection. It has also been repotted to a bigger pot since it needed repottied anyway as pot was tipping, and roots carefully washed and left to dry before hand, I couldn't see bugs on or anything wrong with roots. I think I've killed most of the mealys but its going slighttly paler green at the bottom now & slightly wrinkly if you look close, although still feels firm all down length & pads


    I will get some plant ties for the microdaysis, the clips are just temporary on the microdaysis cactus until I get them but they are lightweight & don't grip hard so I don't think they'll hurt the cactus, at least not worse than it already is but without some kind of support it tips over in the pot

    The spiral cactus I haven't found mealys on (yet) but it is going brown at the bottom, not sure if its just corking or something more sinister.



    If nothing else I guess the mealy bug infection will teach me to always isolate new plants in future.Anyway thanks for reading & if anyone has any tips or advice on anything else I can/should do to help the opuntia microdaysis & spiral recover if they're even saveable its much appreciated. Also I don't know what that odd raised scab like bit is on the spiral, but it hasn't moved or spread and has been there I think since I got it.
  2. Caz

    Caz New Member

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    20210321_204602.jpg 20210321_204745.jpg cactus1.jpg shrivlr.jpg not sure photos links worked so trying this way, shows in preview but turned to links when posted. Sorry about that.

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