I have an old very large jade tree that is loosing leaves daily ( 3-4 leaves now sometimes small branches) The problem started with fairly large (1/2" branches with several leaves dropping) a couple of months after the plant was moved inside. It had lived on a northern exposure protected balcony in the heart of downtown Kansas City. I discovered a sticky white web like glops on occassional branches. sometimes the healthy leaf just drops to the floor and sometimes they wither turning dark gray on the branch. I sought help and it was recommended that I apply a systemic insecticide which I have applied three times in three months. I have also sprayed with Rose X and twice I have gently washed the entire plant with warm water and Dawn dish detergent applied with a sea sponge. The problem is smaller but still not gone. Lucky is a grand old lady who is fighting back dilegently with huge numbers of tiny new leaves. She currently resides in a light filled (for a least 2 hours) direct sun spot in a large west window that faces an alley. I hope someone can tell me what to do for her. thanks!!
A systemic insecticide may not be very effective for a jade plant, if it is the type I am thinking of -- something added to the soil and taken up by the roots? The plant needs to actively transpire water in order for the insecticide to move through the plant, and jade, being a succulent, will not do that. If there is a mite problem, then you would need a miticide. I recommend getting a magnifying glass and inspecting the plant for insects or mites. I am not sure what "web like glops" are, but mites will make webbing, and if that is your problem, then there is probably a serious population of them. Check the undersides of leaves, and be sure to spray undersides if you determine that that is what is needed.
Thanks. i just sprayed Rose X 3 in 1 Neem Oil RTU yesterday. I was careful to spray the undersides of leaves to the point of dripping. Given the directions on the bottle I think I will do this again in 7 days.
I think that your sticky white web is a mealy bug infestation. The best treatment for mealy bugs is Neem oil applied once a week for 4 weeks and then sprayed once a month as a preventative. To make up your solution for spraying I have found the following very effective: 2ml (one half teaspoon) Neem oil in 1 cup of warm water plus 3 or 4 drops of dish soap to help disperse the oil. Shake the spray bottle frequently during spraying. Good luck.
Thank you so much. I am so encouraged by just two replies to my thread. I hope I encounter a thread that I can be of assistance to.