Hello friends, I have a problem with my money tree and I was wondering if someone could give me some advise. First , for the last month, it's loosing almost one or two leaves a day. Second, When a branch has no more leaves, it dies, and third, the leaves are very thin and the color is not even. I don' t know if it's because it's winter , or the pot has no holes, but I changed the pot last summer and had no problems since. Also I give water every three days I would say ( I wait till there is an inch of dirt dry). Now i relocated the plant, i put it in my kitchen where there is a little more sun and near the heater, I also put a piece of Styrofoam under the pot. So there you go, I hope someone have a clue, cause i don' t. See the attached pictures. Thank you very much.
Probably due to the global financial crisis. Try injecting $100 bn. of taxpayers' money. ;-) More likely overwatering and lack of sunlight.