hi, I've had my 4 cactuses for about 6 years and gave all of them the same care. One of them started rotting at its tip. Any idea why and how to help him? Pictures are attached Thank you!
Hello! I was onced helped by a member of the Desert Plant Society of Vancouver (BC, Canada) when my cactus was sick... http://cactus-mall.com/dpsv/ or Google it. Good luck!
If it is rot (and it looks like it) then there is nothing you can do about it except cutting off the sick portion. If you do that, cut it back to the wide part fo the "bottleneck" and place the plant in a more sunny position, the plant is badly etioliated due to lack of light.
thank you so much, I will cut it and see what happens. Btw, can anyone ID it so that I can read more about it? Oxana
It's hard to ID the cactus because the photos are so dark. Perhaps it would be best not to lop it off before you know what it is?
I don't think the ID of the cactus matters much, but it is difficult to see what the spots are on the photos. Sometimes these patches heal by themselves, but usually they spread until the whole plant has turned into mush. You could mark the patches with a felt pen and see if they spread. However, they have grown in too dark conditions and it is rarely possible to make that thin growth look good again, that's why I think you don't have much to lose if you cut it.