sick buddleja

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by bleedingheart, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. bleedingheart

    bleedingheart Member

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    Seattle WA
    Does anyone know if Buddleja's get sick? I've a got a Buddleja which is developing yellowing leaves, the blooms are dying off quickly and yet its still growing new growth. I ignore this plant water evey so often, lots of sun and evening shade, I've also noticed that there is somewhat a powdery mildew substance on the stem of the plant not the leaves. Could it be an infestation of some critter, or its just telling its slowly dying and just to leave it alone? So I'm asking anyone who might know.
  2. douglas

    douglas Active Member 10 Years

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    princegeorge b.c

    Hose it down on a regular basis . If you have a hose end sprayer
    put in 2 tbls of anti bacterial soap and 2 tbls of antseptic mouth wash mixed in your sprayer, dispersed at a 5 to 10 liter mix

    Regards Doug.

    P.S I have had a group of over 35 buds and it worked on all of them

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