We planted arborvitae around the perimeter of our yard. They were about 3' and grew to about 9' or better. After about 5 years...they started to thin and brown only in the middle and now toward the bottom, however, the tops are very healthy. We put up a white vinyl fence during year 2 and it didnt seem to have an effect...however, the only parts that are healthy are the parts that extend above the fence line. I'm not sure if that's the reason why they fell ill. Pics are attached and would appreciate any assistance. TIA
Well, its a long shot, but after several years of cypress tip moth infeastation I have seen many cedars look just like that. And with the fence there slowing down the breeze it will create a nice hot spot for them to infest. If by fluke this is the problem, you check for them by looking for tiny white cocoons 1/4 - 1/2 cm long just inside the tips of the damaged areas. It is the cocoon that does the damage, not the moth btw. In the west coast they generally last from Apr-Jun, before hatching to a moth. Just a suggestion, Jim
Thank you for your reply...I will check first thing tomorrow!! If I do sight cocoons...how is it typically treated...and will the treatment do any good?
I am experiencing the same problem with my arborvitaes. I also live in the NE. Did you ever get rid of them? If so, how?