Sicilian fig cutting needs help

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by ellennsf, May 8, 2009.

  1. ellennsf

    ellennsf Member

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    Oakland CA
    I received a sicilian fig cutting that was rooting nicely and when transplanting to a larger pot, brace yourself - accidentally ripped most of the new roots off. argh.

    What's the best way to save it? Should I quickly try to re-root by recutting and dipping in rooting solution, or see if it can take in potting soil with probably not enough roots

  2. Weedbender

    Weedbender Active Member 10 Years

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    MD Zone 7
    Cut the bottom off a 2 liter (or something similar) soda bottle. Put it over your cutting and set the pot where it will get NO Direct SUN. When a little moisture forms on the inside take the cap off and be very very patient. It will grow new roots in time. Don't over water. As long as a little moisture can be seen on the inside of the bottle, it doesn't need water. : )

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