Hi, I have read that the growth of acer orange dream is shrubby. I like to be able see the branching structure in my trees. Should I prune this orange dream to have the layered branching look, or atleast prune some of the inner branches? I am not sure if I can prune an orange dream to get this effect, or should I leave it alone? thanks, xman
If in doubt, don't. Maybe later you will have a different perspective, built from added experience that will enable you to see something you will want to do with this specimen. Meanwhile, once you cut it off you can't put it back.
Yes it is the nature of the plant to be shrubby even at a young age. Mine was shrubby when very young and is only becoming more dense with age. You can give it a layered effect by pruning, but to open it up entirely will be too much effor and likely reduce the overall appearance. I think if you want to open it a little, I would start now, but be minimalist about it as too much pruning can reduce vigor in subsequent years. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way.
I am leaving my own new Orange Dream alone at the moment, even though I am not entirely happy about the shape and structure. I just think that it is far too early to start to prune when the plant has yet to show you what it wants to do itself Having said that ... I am inclined to prune very little anyway, as I think these plants do a much more successful job by themselves I would agree with Ron .. if in doubt don't ....