Hi Everyone! I'll try not to ramble this time, was wondering if I should feed my Laelia? It has a sheath, with a very large shadow [flowers, I'm soo excited!!] I've been misting, with straight water, everyday, but not giving any orchid fert. Any help would be appreciated!
ive never grown laelia's, but i know that when my cyms are about to flower, you dont feed them. You only feed orchids during growth, or after the plant has flowered. hope this helps
Thanks very much for the speedy reply!! It helped hugely!! Also, does that apply to phals and most orchids? I've been feeding the Phals, with real weak fert solution once every ten days or so. Even in flower, but I'll stop if it harms them!!
I'm not entirely sure. Check on the net, there is alot of info out there, but if the plant seems to be healthy then maybe it isn't doing any harm if you are feeding it.