Should I bring my paulownia in for winter, or leave it in the ground?

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by farrissophie, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. farrissophie

    farrissophie Member

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    Pocono summit, us
    I bought a Paulownia tree, and the lady told me to put it in a pot, but because it was shipped to me with all the leaves on it, and appeared to not be dormant yet, I figured that it would be best to place it in its permanent home, will it be ok, I wrap it in burlap every night, and then take the burlap off in the morning, we live in pa, so other than telling me to listen to what the lady told me, if anybody has a suggestion on what to do with it, please let me know, its already growing new branches!

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Looks stunted, should look like a sunflower plant. These do tend to freeze back when young, but come back again from low on the stem. After a few years this stops.

    It won't enjoy being in the house. Check on local hardiness to see about leaving it in the garden. Mulch the roots, this should be done with all plantings except warm season vegetables regardless of possible hardiness issues.

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