What are the difference between Shirazz vs Geisha Gone Wild? I’ve seen people say that shirazz is more vigorous and can grow taller in 10 years than Geisha Gone Wild. One thread that that’s Shirazz is also a more hardy tree and that Talon Buchholz has described GGW as “wimpy”. Do they have the same heat and sun tolerance too? Thank you!
@Connor Sullivan tbh Connor I have both and have been evaluating them for the past 5 years. No difference IMO. But I would not dare to disagree with Tallon Buckholtz, he is a great authority on maples. So this is just my personal opinion.
My Shirazz has no problems in full sun and I like it very much. I did have a GGW a few years ago but it died within the year. It was not super young so I am not sure what caused it. I have however not replaced it and am very pleased with my Shirazz which I have had for 8 years now. They are indeed very similar.