I have a Meyer Lemon tree in central FL, which has been producing abundantly for 8 years or so. I send boxes of lemons to my sister in NC regularly, as she loves them. She's asked if I could send her some cuttings. I'm not sure of the proper way to go about taking the cuttings and the shipping care process. Can anyone advise? It's mid April now and the lemons are gone for the season. Do I have to wait or can I take cuttings now? One final question: could the procedure for the lemon cuttings be applied to my grapefruit trees as well? Thanks a bunch.
You may want to confirm with local authorities but there was, and may still be, a federal quarantine prohibiting the transportation of citrus plant material out of Florida.Quarantine Area Maps for Citrus Greening and Asian Citrus Psyllid
Thanks for sharing that. I looked at the available information but I need to check it out further. Do you know if there are restrictions to mailing cuttings within the state of FL? I can't find any mention of that. Thanks again.
I'm not aware of such a restriction. I think it's all right as long as the material stays within the quarantined state.