I have a Shin Deshojo growing in a pot on my deck that I purchased from Greer's about 5 year ago. It appears very healthy, even to the point where I've pruned off some of the growth to keep it within bounds and thickin up the branch growth. The leaf color this spring was spectacular! Anyway, here is my question. I've noticed a sticky, almost sap like substance, appearing on the surface of some of the leaves. It washes away in a rain but comes back fairly soon after (7-10 days). Is this something that I should be concerned about? The picture is my attempt to show what I'm talking about.
this maple is under a big tree?if yes is possible that the aphids above tree made the sap another possible cause is aphids on maple ,see you ant on branch?
I agree with Alex, looks like honeydew from aphids. [WIKI]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeydew_%28secretion%29[/WIKI]
Thank you both for your response. You made me think of the environment not just the Shin. We had a bad ice storm last spring that broke many branches off a large River Birch at the corner of our house. The wounds have been spewing sap for months now. BTW, I should mention that I hate this birch tree. It must be one of the dirtest trees on the planet. Doug