Hi i just purchased a Shimpaku Juniper Bonsai from a local nursery and i am wondering how to winter this plant i was informed when i bought it i could simply dig a hole and put it in the ground i live in Montreal Quebec and the winters get very cold i do not want to lose this tree its very nice i do not have an unheated garage that i can use if anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it.
Zone-wise, you should be fine regarding overwintering hardiness (if planted in the ground). However, from what little I know of the technique, most bonsai are kept in pots in order to restrict root growth (and hence aboveground growth), with root pruning a typical part of the regimen for their care. Do you want to maintain this as a bonsai?
Yes absolutely I would like to keep this a bonsai can I put this in the ground say in November with mulch?
I have had a 30 year old shimpaku. In BC winters are obviously a lot milder and I was told by the grower that I should not let the roots freeze or the greenery become dehydrated from wind. As Daniel says bonsai, if they are to remain miniature, must grow in a confining pot as planting them directly into a garden will allow them to grow to their natural size. Bonsai are regular plants which are artificially pruned and potted in order to maintain the size and shape the grower desires. Do you have a bonsai club in Montreal? Good luck with your bonsai. Margaret
I was told to put it in the ground pot and all and add mulch they are hardy to minus 20 which it never get to if it's in the ground with mulch I was also advised to choose a place away from the wind I'm just not sure what to do thanks for the reply Margaret
Well, I'm guessing the "pot and all" part was intended to keep it small and bonsai-like -- but bonsai need more regular maintenance than just leaving a plant in a pot in the ground, I imagine. If no additional replies here (and no luck in finding a local bonsai club), maybe see if you can talk to the person responsible for Montreal Botanical Garden's Bonsai and Penjing Collection.
OK here is where i am at just for future referance should the question ever come up again i contacted a Bonsai dealer in Northern Quebec Bonsai Gros Bec here is what they suggested i do if i do not have a heat controlled envoirment required temperature needed to keep the tree dormant. in november put it in a cooler cover the tree with cedar mulch about 1" thick at top and bottom then put snow enough to insulate the tree leave it untill mid march. hope this works any comments?
A good reminder of what a large and climatically diverse country we live in. I live on the ocean on the south west coast and would be hard put to find enough snow to use. Now when we lived in Ontario that was a different story! Good luck and let us know what happens. Margaret