Shaina not leafing out

Discussion in 'Maples' started by mark9542, May 26, 2012.

  1. mark9542

    mark9542 Member

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    Lafayette, LA
    I live in south Louisiana and we had a very mild winter. My shaina was beautiful all winter long with good color and did not lose its leaves until February/March. At this point, it has produced very few leaves. The branches are not dead, they are just bare. Should I be concerned, or just patient? Thanks for the help.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Since it apparently didn't go dormant all winter - for some reason - it must be off schedule now. Did you just buy it last year? If it happened to be imported from the southern hemisphere - there used to be for instance a New Zealand company that North American outlets sometimes ordered from - it may need some time to adjust.
  3. mark9542

    mark9542 Member

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    Lafayette, LA
    Thanks for the reply. I have had it a couple years, so it probably is just off schedule.
  4. katsura

    katsura Active Member 10 Years

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    Novato, California
    I have an Alpine Sunrise palmatum that stayed in leaf all winter and Spring.
    I have a Redbud and Quaking Aspen that I was SURE were dead and almost cut
    down because they did not leaf til mid May but now they are flourishing, so what do
    we know about tree's schedules? only that we do not know much!
    If you have any other maples besides Shaina, did they also do this unusual seasonal leafing & drop?
    Are there buds on your Shaina branches now? If so are they swelling? Shaina is a witches broom which are genetic abnormalities
    and can have twig/branch die back and even sudden death out of the blue so you need to watch your
    Shaina carefully. Patience is a requisite for pplant growers (witness my Redbud & Aspen) but keep a close eye on
    your errant Shaina and keep us informed. It is late May, it should be evidencing some signs of budding life.
    Good luck!

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