I like Acer p. 'Shaina' but I'm looking for suggestions for an alternative. I like the growth habit, size, and spring color; I don't like the sun burn, the faded summer color, or that it holds onto dead leaves well into the winter. I'm looking for something similar but with longer lasting color and sun tolerance. Thanks for your suggestions.
What about A. p. ‘Ariadne’? Once again not breathtaking in mid summer but one of my favourites for spring and fall.
Does Shaina always hold its leaves over winter? This year's fall seems to have resulted in a lot of the country seeing marcescence on their JMs. I have Elizabeth and it seems to be very upright in its growth, but still bushy and small-leafed like Shaina. I've also considered Verna Jean, Kandy Kitchen, Fireball, and Pixie. Check out this resource for more details on some of those cultivars-- http://www.donschmidtnursery.com/Images/maplebook files/Maple Book.pdf Other cultivars he mentions are Carlis Corner (more ball shaped), Brandts Dwarf, Adrian's Compact, Englishtown (which is mentioned as holding its color well). Kandy Kitchen is mentioned as fading to green in the summer. Elizabeth is called columnar. Royale may be a candidate for you-- it grows more upward than wide. Sarah D is a cultivar mentioned as well, but I've never heard of it before. Hope that helps!
Thank you all for the suggestions. In my opinion it's the strange growth habit that makes 'Shaina' an interesting tree, not simply that it's a dwarf red tree. If you have watched one grow, you probably know what I mean. The growth is congested and dense, unusual when compared to most counterparts. I'm wondering if this growth habit is unique to 'Shaina' or are there similar options I'm overlooking? Yes in my experience 'Shaina' holds on tighter to its leaves in the fall than most, and as a result I find myself picking them off by hand because I'm crazy like that.
Shaina is a Witches Broom so that will have an impact on growth habit and structure. I would look at other WBs if you want something similar in those characteristics. I have Aratama which is a small WB that stays very red. It's in afternoon sun in zone 6b. Some of the others already mentioned may be good alternatives also.
Acer palmatum Aratama is beautiful and has great structure in winter. That would be my choice too! My pictures are not available to me right now, but there are some nice ones by other members in the photo gallery: Acer palmatum 'Aratama' Aratama is a very special tree in my opinion and fits your desires for unique growth habit if I understand correctly. I own a very old Shaina, so I have first hand experience with both varieties.