serious help needed

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by omnithought2004, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. omnithought2004

    omnithought2004 Active Member

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    My schefflera is dieing i came home today and started cleaning my house and the leaves all feel when i moved her to clean underneath her i don't know what happen i resently seperated her into two plants it was a bit crowded and then i moved her to a different room same side of the housde a south west faceing window it's not as bright but not dark at all really so if some one has any idea what i did wrong or somethingi can do to save her i've had her for three years and this is the first time anything went wrong her leaves are turning like webs and yellow what's happening also all the new growth is growing in very small i would be very thankful if some one could help me

    thanks omni

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  2. mosscampion

    mosscampion Active Member

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    Rhinelander, WI USA
    Overwatering can cause yellowing of leaves and/or leaf drop. Also, Schefflera desires bright *filtered* light. Does your south-facing window give it direct light? My friend had a small one of these with yellowing leaves and once she moved it out of the direct light it started bouncing back.

    My houseplant book also gives these tips:
    -this plant will shed leaves if exposed to drafts of cold or hot air. Does your new location have a heating vent nearby?
    -if new growth is small, pale, or limp, perhaps you are not fertilizing it enough (author suggests monthly balanced fertilizer year-round).

    One final thought I had was to ask how you divided it. This plant is normally propagated by air layering. Was there actually more than one plant in the pot, therefore making division easy? If not, perhaps the plant is stressed????

    Hope these ideas help your plant!
  3. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    If you have webs, you have spider mites, and therefore run don't walk to any garden ctre/nursery/Wal-Mart? and get some Safer's Insecticidal Soap spray... and follow label directions. Do it again in 5-6 days and again a week after that. Before doing any though, give the foliage a good spray with your kitchen sink spray if you have one, or stick it under the shower (sideways) for a few seconds and let it dry before applying the Safer's.
  4. omnithought2004

    omnithought2004 Active Member

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    Thanks yeah she's finally bouncing back i let her drie out and cut most of the top off and she's growing back great thanks for all the help i must of over watered her also i had it in a really big pot i transplanted her to a smaller one and she seems to be doing better thanks once again omni

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