Hello What plants are ideal for a serene/asian gardens. I have a three tier garden I plan to transform.
I suppose the important thing is what sort of climate you have. I would love to have a milder climate where I could grow things without the constant battle of hot dry winds and water restrictions. Budget has to be considered when it comes to what sort of garden you have and also the size of the land you have to work with. I think a pond (especially with a waterfall of sorts) with fish is a centrepoint of a nice garden. A path flanked with Azaleas and Rhododendrums with a few varieties of Japanese Maples leading to a garden bench that captures winter light would be something that I would build if possible. This requires a temperate climate with cool and dry autumns leading up to winter to get the best out of the maples. I could go on for days on what I would like but I am sure you get the idea. Look at what you have to work with, decide on how much money you want to spend and how long you can wait until the garden is mature. Regards Stephen