I have a Sequoia giganteum which I planted 34 years ago. In 1980 this tree was 3 years old and 30 cm tall. This tree has a present dbh of 156 cm and a height of 30 m. The tree has no competition which accounts for its unbelievable symmetric form and height but it is gradually over taking my back yard. I intend to have the tree removed with a remaining stump height of 3.5 m. My intension is extend my patio deck to wrap around the circumference of the stump with the upper stump section left to be carved (into a Grizzly bear). My question: should I be concerned with epicormic buds sprouting from the 'lower' stump portion or the 'roots 'after the tree has been removed? Any advise and suggestions would be very much appreciated. This tree is a beauty I love it but its got to go. Thanks for your comments.
Re: Sequoia giganteum No, your Sequoidendron tree will not sprout. The one that comes back from stumps is Sequoia sempervirens.