Self-Fruitful Cherry Varieties for Zone 5

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Seamus, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. Seamus

    Seamus Active Member

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    I have a spot in my yard which is perfect for a large tree but since hurricane Juan and the demise of our Willow tree the spot has been vacant. I would really like to plant a self-fruitful Cherry tree in this spot, but I'm looking for some advice. I'm looking at both Stella and Sweetheart varieties.
  2. biggam

    biggam Active Member

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    Michigan, USA
    Here is a good reference on stone fruits for zone 5: England Stone fruit

    Sweetheart is probably a good choice, while Jubileum or Danube are options for tart cherries (but they're sweet too, good eating.) Danube is very large, and Jubileum has slightly higher sugar-content. Sounds like you have room for a good sized tree, so make sure you get Mazzard rootstock. Mahaleb is slightly smaller, but has a deep root that needs really well-drained soil.
  3. Seamus

    Seamus Active Member

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Thanks for the great advice! I have a lot of space for the tree, so the bigger the better really. It's at the top of a slope in the front of the yard, so dispite the high clay content of our soil, it's probably one of the best areas for drainage in our yard. I couldn't find any nurseries for either varieties that you suggested while searching online, but I'm going call around. I'll check out the site, looks like a lot of good info.

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