I need some help! The fronds on my sego palm are turning yellow and wilting. What can I do to bring it back or is it too far gone? I live in the southwest and keep it in the house. It doesn't get direct sunlight and I water it once a week. Will it put out new growth? I sure would like to save it if possibe. Thanks for the help.
The first year I had my Sego, I wasn't watering it enough. The fronds were getting yellow patches and single 'leaves' on the fronds were turning yellow. For some reason I was under the impression that it didn't need a lot of watering. I found information on the net and realized that I was not taking care of it properly. I pruned the lower fronds off and put it outside facing the southwest in the summer. I gave it quite a bit of water as it was really hot out there. It grew six new fronds and wasn't turning yellow or brown any more. Right now it is developing 5 new fronds and looks pretty good.
Thank you so much for those words of encouragement! I am going to put it on my back porch, which faces south, in the morning, give it a fresh watering and see what happens. Hopefully the roots are still alive! Thanks again!
I have put my palm outside and gave it a good watering. I do not see any signs of new growth. Should I remove the fronds that are dying?
I'm not an expert, just letting you know about my experience with my Sego. A closeup photo of the fronds would allow someone who could help a better view.
I water, let dry. The yellowing, or straw colored fronds stoped when it was put outside in partial shade/sun.
The fronds are beginning to get brittle. I have never had any new growth on this plant since I got it a year ago. It has always be green and healthy until recently.:( Thanks for any input.
Direct sun may be too strong for your Sago if you live in the Southwest U.S. Also, the pot looks rather large for the size of the plant; you might inadvertently be overwatering.