Seeking smaller, but good quality lawn

Discussion in 'Garden Design and Plant Suggestions' started by bcislander, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. bcislander

    bcislander Member

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    Campbell River, BC, Canada
    We are in the process of redesigning pretty much the entire exterior of our 1/4 acre lot in Campbell River. Part of the process is to reduce the amount of lawn and increase 'green' areas overall. However, for the relatively postage stamp sized lawn we will end up with - we want the best quality possible.

    With so much new home construction - sod is not available, which leaves us with hydroseeding. Any advice on proper preparation needed prior to hydroseeding and what techniques can be used to ensure a top quality lawn in the end? I know very little about hydroseeding and do not know whether 'grass variety' is even an option. If so, any particular grass blend recommended for the Campbell River / Vancouver Island region?

    We have leveled the grade and plan to use a push reel mower for both it's environmental benefits but also better quality cut of the grass.
  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    sod is not available? that seems strange. I have had a job where I used hydroseeding, because of the scale (16,000 sq ft) sod would have been prohibitive. Generally the hydroseeding company can get any commercial blend of grass seeds according to site conditions (shade, heavy wear, sun etc) just tell them what you want. pricewise it is around 10 cents a square foot, give or take.

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  3. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    I'll echo: sod not available?? It's lying around in the garden centres here, and we just bought some at the source a couple of weeks ago. Might not be in stock at the local store, but that's not the same as "not avialable." I'm in Vancouver, so not out of your world.

    So... that's what that funny blue-green spray is that I saw under the Georgia Viaduct last year!

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