Seeking advise on Massangeana Cane care

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ar8811, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. ar8811

    ar8811 Member

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    austin, tx
    Hello all and thanks for the nice forums and help.

    We are seeking advise on how to take care of some Massangeana Canes we were gifted.

    There were three stalks together in one pot, and we realized we had been overwatering improperly and had them in much too big of a pot. (with the wrong kind of soil too, we found out - they recommended cactus soil, we've also read that lava rocks work well in there too - if anyone could comment on these remarks)

    today we repotted the plant and inspected the roots. basically they soil had been too moist for too long and the smallest stalks seems to have died (this one didnt have any leaves on top either), the roots were gone, and the bark at the bottom was simply falling off. obviously the entire ordeal has been pretty sad.

    the medium stalk seems to be faring the best, it has three stems and leaves growing out. but we are concerned of infection from the other plants.

    the tallest stalk (about 4 feet tall) was doing good up until a few weeks ago. the leaves have been getting yellow, then brown, and slowly being pruned off. the stems where the leaves connect to the stalk are all dark brown, and one of the three stems turned real ugly, mushy, and soft- so we cut it off as best we could from the stalk. one of the other stems (one that actually has a few leaves still on it) seems to have a little hole and a dotted discoloration near it (photos will be attached). please advice if these stems should be cut off too? is this plant infected and a danger to the still-good-looking medium stalk? we also just noticed that there seems to be some wierd coloration at the top, inside of the stalk - somewhat noticeable in pic 0006 and 0007)

    we repotted the medium and large stalks back together in a new smaller (about 12") pot with cactus soil and we have moved the plants location as well (it had been in a corner that was fairly lit, now it is near two windows and getting much more light. pictures of locations are also attached for comments or advice.

    thanks for taking the time to read our story and we appreciate any input, insight, or advice you may have. we really want to take great care of this beautiful plant. we aren't sure what we should cut off and/or how. We are concerned about the large stalk being a danger to the medium stalk (should we seperate them?) and we have attached some detailed photos to help illustrate the situation.

    kindest regards,
    j & r

    Attached Files:

  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    My suggestion would be to remove the larger an from the pot and discard it, it doesn't look like it is going to be getting any better. The medium stalk can be put into a smaller pot with new potting medium, this will remove any bacteria/fungus from the soil. Clean and sterilize a pot for it and pot it up in new soil, place it somewhere where it will recieve bright indirect light for a good portion of the day. Only water it when the soil begins to dry out and make sure the pot you plant it in has good drainage hole snad that it isnot sitting in water. I hope this information will help you out, if you have an other question feel free to ask.
  3. ar8811

    ar8811 Member

    Likes Received:
    austin, tx
    thanks so much for the insight and advice.

    is there any hope in recovery if the stem/leaves parts have fallen off/ been cut off?

    kind regards
  4. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    AS far as the other stems go, if you scratch the bark near the top of the cane/stem and its green underneath you may be able to save it. if it isn't green then it is dead.

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