seeds providers

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Sébastien, Jul 22, 2022.

  1. Sébastien

    Sébastien New Member Maple Society

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    Saint Jean de Sixt
    Hello maples friends,

    I'm a french maple collector .
    And I'm looking for some rare species of maples. I would like to know if someone have some website or other source of seeds/plants (I think it looks better from Asia for genetic diversity but not essential).

    I'm mainly looking for :

    Acer duplicatoserratum
    Acer anhweiense
    Acer serrulatum
    Acer erianthum
    Acer sinense
    Acer pubinerve

    Thank you (and sorry for my english)

    AlainK likes this.
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Hi Sebastien, and welcome to the maples forum. I think the best way to get some rare species seeds is from the MS seed exchange. If you are a new member, do look out for the dates for this in the Autumn newsletter. You can then put your name forward to receive some. ( there is no way to know what will be sent btw).
    Sébastien likes this.
  3. Sébastien

    Sébastien New Member Maple Society

    Likes Received:
    Saint Jean de Sixt
    Oh ok thank you
  4. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Salut Séb,

    Unfortunaly, I can't send you any of the seeds you're looking for. But "stay tuned" : as Derek said "the MS seed exchange" is an excellent source for getting seeds of various, sometimes rare maples.

    Not to mention the friendly links you can start here to exchange maples, plants, or just a friendly conversation... ;°)
  5. Sébastien

    Sébastien New Member Maple Society

    Likes Received:
    Saint Jean de Sixt
    Thank you Alain, I will be glad to talk friendly about maples (or pines).
  6. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    De rien.
    Si j'y pense, je te contacterai en automne si certains de mes érables peuvent t'intéresser.
  7. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hi Seb,

    I don't wish to seem discouraging, but these are very difficult seeds to get. I have never seen A. duplicatoserratum offered anywhere. Others, like serrulatum, hybridize so easily that garden source seed is virtually worthless. Good seed must be collected high in the mountains. There's a bit of A. pubinerve around in the US, as there is a tree at the Morris Arboretum that fruits well. You could write them, in a pinch. You may find seed for Acers anhweiense and sinense, and some other things you would find interesting, available from the Rogow Arboretum in Poland; take a look at their web site for details.

    Although of relatively high quality, Rogow seed is still garden sourced and so has the issues of hybrid seedlings is a real one. On which note:

    There is two issues here. Pretty much inexplicably, the MS didn't send seed to France last year, encouraging the French to organize their own seed exchange, which was mostly JMs. I believe this grew, in part but not entirely, out of the issues surrounding mailing biological material post-Brexit. They also didn't except seed from France, I hope they will not do the same thing this year. Secondly, all of the MS seed is garden sourced. So for maples that often come true (A. sinsense is one) you're in with a good chance, but for most, especially anything from Macrantha, seedlings will almost surely be hybrids.

    Still @Acerholic is right, this is a very fun way to grow interesting seedlings, true or not.
    Sébastien and Acerholic like this.
  8. Sébastien

    Sébastien New Member Maple Society

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    Saint Jean de Sixt
    Thank you Emery for your answer. Indeed I'm aware of problems with hybridization, especially with garden sourced seeds.
    But I'm still hoping to find some good seeds. By the way, growing hybrids would be fun enough.
    Regarding Acer duplicatoserratum, it will be my holly Graal. I won't give up

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