Hello guys I would like to ask if you can help me because i would like to coltivate some seeds of maple here in Italy. I'm a small farmer from North Italy and i would like to coltivate some maples varieties such as saccharinum silver maple seeds and sugar maple seeds a need a small quanitity to try to see if they can be coltivate here. So if somebody is kind enough to send me ten (10) seeds from each variety, of course I will pay all the amount of money needed. Or if you prefer i can send you something from Italy as valuable as the seeds. Have a nice day and thank you all. Ciao from Italy
I have thousands of silver maple seeds each spring. They are very easy to grow. I could dig bunch of saplings.
Saplings can't be imported into Europe from North America! Even seeds may be subject to some restrictions; check with the Customs authorities.
There's a verty serious seed provider here in France, and they ship seeds to other european countries. No Italian version of the site, but apart from the French (and "francese e facile per un italiano, no ?...), there's also an English version. Here is the link to the page where the 40 species of Acer they sell are listed : http://www.semencesdupuy.com/fr/produits/feuillus/erable.html