Should i remove the sprouted seed from stratification and plant it, or let the root grow a little more?
montpellier maple and sugar maple could hybridize right? according to this chart. there ar eso many possible hybrids.
No (pretty much) inter-sectional hybridization allowed in Acer. What paper is the illustration from? I recognize but can't place it. You might want to check out Li et al 2019 for the latest molecular study of Acer. Error - Cookies Turned Off Edit: heh, don't know if that links to the paper, I copied the URL. The OSI paperlinks page has it: -E
Finding naturally stratified/germinated seedlings never fails to put a smile on my face. These were in a large Ginkgo tree pot..I wonder if the green tip one is a Ginkgo..definitely does not look like an AP..could be something else of course
Is there a female tree around (you should smell it in autumn!) ?... If not, I think it's unlikely to be a Ginkgo. Or a seed could have already been in the pot when you bought it. See: Ginkgo biloba - Wikipedia
Hi Alain -Thanks. I’ve had this one in a very large pot for 14 years now…it’s about 13foot!! I picked up a dwarf ginkgo “Troll” in the summer, too soon for that one to be involved!! Maybe a neighbour has one..I haven’t been over there for years!
Such a horrible smell. @dicky5ash it look like it is. I'll post a pic of my seedlings once I'm able to get in the greenhouse. Snowed in at the moment.
Unfortunately the rest of the batch began to get infected with mold and i had to throw a lot out. Should i plant those seeds now? I manually exposed the roots of these two seeds
D[/QUOTE Last question, will planting these seeds with the manually exposed roots overcome their dormancy?
@dicky5ash I'm about 80% sure it might be. Here is a few pics of some seedlings I have. Here is a few seedling from 'Sango Kaku'. These are from 2020 and 21.
Thank you, much appreciated ..I will know for sure in April :) Your AP’s are growing 3year old seedlings are half that size!
Mold destroyed most of my seeds :( I have been pestering this entire forum with repeated questions about shortening cold stratification and using all these annoying techniques, but i guess theyre useless without any fungicide. I should just try using the normal reccomended method, but even trying that mold destroys every seed. It seems that paper towel seems to be extremely mold prone, but i dont have any other medium
did anyone try germinating acer obtusifolium? (syrian maple) or at least grown it? its a nice evergeen maple from the levant. its pretty similar to the Cretan Maple and Montpellier maple.
planting these sugar maple seeds in the soil now. none of these actually sprouted through the testa, i scraped the testa off to reveal the root, then washed the roots to remove inhibitors ( think it may work). hope these seed will sprout by 2 weeks. The seeds have only been chilled in the fridge since feb 4th. maybe im removing them too early, who knows, i just want to see if they grow instead of thme just rotting in the fridge. @simongrant @maf