I have a sunny, south facing window and would like to start tomato, squash, cucumber etc. from seed. I normally buy nursery plants and put them in the ground around mid May ( I'm on Southern Vancouver Island ) How far in advance of mid May should I start seeds indoors ?
I just started my tomatoes. Squash and Cucumber are going to wait until the last half of April. I find the planting chart for coastal BC that is found in the west coast seeds catalogue very helpful fo figuring out when to start things in our area.
So it takes up to 2 months to grow them to the size I want to set them out at ?? Seems a little long ?
No, I usually start them in February! If you have a 30cm plant ready for the garden in June you will have a bountiful crop... have a cold frame/hot bed set up for the house to garden transfer during he month of May.
Tomatoes you want to start 6-8 weeks prior to transplanting date. Squashes and Cucumbers, I would start about 4 weeks prior. Good luck!