Seed germination organization

Discussion in 'Maples' started by LoverOfMaples, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. LoverOfMaples

    LoverOfMaples Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Rhode Island
    So i'm thinking about germinating each of the A. palmatum varieties seeds separated (not mixing them up) that i've collected thia year. I was wondering if that's a bad idea? What is it that others do?

    I want to keep up with what seedlings come from what cultivar. Also, whats the chance of a variegated palmatum offspring being variegated, dwarf being dwarf, etc? How often do genetics and traits from the parent plant shows and how long would it take to see them.

    Im aware of the seedling showing variation but will some of the seedling convert to being basic green leaf traits? Im planning on using a lot of them for to practice grafting in the up coming years. Years, because of the slow growth rate here in the Northeast of the US.

    Thanks for any info given!
  2. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    From my limited experience, the chance of having a seedling true to the mother plant, or bearing at least some of it's characteristics is very uncertain. That's probably why you got so few answers. But you can sometimes have a nice surprise.
  3. LoverOfMaples

    LoverOfMaples Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Rhode Island
    Thanks AlainK.
    I like surprises and hoping for at least one in 2020. My biggest surprise this year was finding a sport on my 'Peve Multicolor' (not seeds related).

    So, really with this post I was trying to see if others organized their seeds or mixed them together. If they cared or not. And what percentage of the possibility of some traits from the parent 'Shigitatsu Sawa' showing (knowing seeds will not be true to the parent).

    My previous years I've used Tupperware to organize and germinate my seeds in. They are stacked and place in a black garbage bag and kept in the my unheated garage.

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