I've noticed a second flush of flowering in one of my Madrone (Arbutus). It's light and sporadic while much of the earlier spring flowering has set berries. I've not noticed this in years past and wonder what this, if anything signals. A cool damp spring? Cheers, LPN.
What sort of Arbutus is it? Unlike A. menziesii (spring-flowering), A. unedo has its normal flowering period in autumn; if yours is a hybrid with any A. unedo genes in it, that might result in additional flowering.
I should have clarified ... yes it's Arbutus menziesii. These are quite abundant and native to this part of Vancouver Island. Cheers, LPN.
Have seen other examples flowering on new growth here many times, does not have to be another species at all. Sometimes they make these long unbranching variant shoots that sort of blend into a flowering head at the tip, with leaves spread along them, instead of the customary tuft-like bunch of leaves subtending the flowers in the manner of a rhododendron.