Hi, I am looking for seeds to an annual plant that I have seen in the Kootenays here in BC. It is in the poinsettia family and has white edged leaves. Instead of actual flowers it gets white bracts that look akin to poinsettia, but smaller. The plant grows up to 2 feet tall. I thought it was in the euphorbia family and have heard it called summer poinsettia. However when I check online under that label the plant I see there is nothing like the one I am looking for. Can anyone help me? Kady lady
Euphorbia marginata maybe? http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=euphorbia+marginata&FORM=HDRSC2. However it is a shrub, not an annual. Edit: I just checked, there is confusing info on the Net regarding if it is a shrub or an annual. So, it probably fits your description better now.
Thanks, but I know it is an annual because I once had some seeds and grew it -that was a few years ago. And I had constant comments on it. It readily reseeds. I'll keep trying. Thanks. Kady lady
It would be Euphorbia marginata, that is what your description points to. Did you look at the pictures at the above link?
Of course! That's it!! Thank you so much. I am new to the forum and am gradually picking up the process. I do appreciate your help.