schefflera tree (AMATE)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Takana_Hana, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. Takana_Hana

    Takana_Hana Active Member 10 Years

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    Western Illinois USA
    hi, i recently air layered my neighbors schefflera (AMATE) and it sprouted roots and i planted it into a good sized pot. about a month later, the roots were rotted out and the area where the roots where was rotted out as well. But the top of the portion is still green and sad looking:(... should i cut off the rotted out part and see if it will shoot out roots again????...... THANK YOU
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    You should learn how to water the plant properly - let the soil almost dry out completely before watering again. But if it is actually rotted, you need to repot into clean, fast draining soil (add lots of little aquarium gravel to the mix and avoid using peat based soil), cut off the parts of the roots that are slimy and black to where they are white, or light brown, and don't use pebbles in the pot bottom, or leave the pot sitting in drain water.

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