I brought this over from another forum, because all us over there are into mushrooms, and were all freaked out by this...thing... that one of the members found in there garden. Here are to pics, and the only other thing I know about it is that it is sticky, please help!Also sorry if I put this in the wrong forum, I just really don't think it's a "plant" and didn't know where else to put it!
Every one is just like "wow, that looks like it's from mars, it would be awsome if someone could find out what this is, I'd like to know!" and the like, lol thats why I brought the pics here to try and ID it, has anyone ever even seen something like this, even if they don't know what it is?
Well, I'm going to suggest that these are the spore-bearing bodies of a slime mold, but finding a matching photograph online is tricky. There just aren't enough photos of slime molds!
Try Pilobilus, think that may be it. Shoots slimy spore capsules with tremendous force, great distances.... cool. Likes cat poop.... (edited... i decided i don't know what I'm talking about :))
This is probably Phycomyces blakesleeanus or P. nitens. See also Thread "Identification: 4 inch long hair like fungus" http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=34791.