I'm growing three from seed since the end of April. I left them during the day (not night) outside a couple of weeks ago and the third ( on right in first photo) looked as if it was attacked by something (or just withered for some reason) during that day, but rebounded after I put all three back inside. Wife thinks I should today transfer all three to the outside 14" pot with secured (at rim, quite strong because it's windy here sometimes) 5 foot bamboo poles as shown in picture. Will run jute twine around the poles to support the climbing vines. My question(s) is this - Should I put all three out in the pot now? I get ALL day hot sun on my penthouse balcony here in White Rock, BC. What happened to the third plant which nearly died 2 weeks back? Does a homemade soapy insecticide work well? PS sorry about the second picture not turned around 90 degrees!
I am pretty sure your Bean got cooked/baked in its small pot in the hot sun on your balcony. Since the last frost date for your area is about the middle of April you could safely start them in the big pot and keep them outside all the time. As you have it now, definitely move them to the bigger pot as soon as possible. Be sure to untangle or cut any circling roots before planting. Shade them for a couple of days after planting. Fortunately your bigger planter has light colour what will at least partly prevent it from getting overheated.