Scale on Grapefruit Tree

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Acorn, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Acorn

    Acorn Member

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    Indianapolis, USA
    Greetings All! This is my first post in this forum. I've read with great enthusiasm all the messages and replies about grapefruit trees. I have two grapefruit trees that I started from seed in 1989. They're about 4' tall. I root-prune them and re-pot them in new soil about every 3 years or so. They've never flowered, but that's because I haven't let them go through temperature cycles. I generally keep them inside from mid-Oct to mid-May, and then keep them only in indirect light outside the rest of the year (otherwise the leaves get sunburned).

    My problem and question: For the last 5 years I've been battling scale (the soft-shelled variety). How can I eradicate this pest once and for all?

  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Go to this link and see if you can identify the
    scale. Then read up on the controls for it.
    In a home using some of the chemical sprays
    can be dicey and if you choose to use a spray,
    then do it outside and let the tree dry before
    bringing it back indoors. Sunburned leaves
    is not so bad a deal at times as when the leaves
    burn and drop you should get a flush of new
    growth. Grapefruit can handle even our bright
    and hot sun here but the leaves will scorch faster
    if you do have a heavy scale infestation. That
    may be why the leaves do show the sun damage.

    Citrus Pest Management Guidelines--UC IPM

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2007
  3. Acorn

    Acorn Member

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    Indianapolis, USA
    Quite nice. Thank you! I've also familiarized myself with the other forum topics, including the pest/disease thread. I hadn't noticed the wealth of information found there before I submitted my question here.

    Thanks again!

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