i have a seedling that is from an unkown seed. there where lemons and tangelo on the same plant. i got them from the neibors dads house he was growing them and when he passed away, instead of them dieing or being thrown away i took them and instead of growing the plant to full size i took the top off and grafted it to an adult plant. it grew bigger than the seedling did in one year i just recently took the top off of the grafted one and grafted it lower down close to the original graft point and cut the plant off right there above the new graft. i dought it will speed up the time to bloom accept for the fact that it is growing faster. but doing this will conserve space instead of having to grow the plant to 10 feet. each time i use the top to graft i am keeping the newest node count. more than likely if it is a lemon i will in the end cut it off and graft soemthing different but i will not have wasted a large pot or a large spot in the yard to find out. and i used the original seedling as a rootstock i grafted a seedling piece of poncirus trifolate and it has grown almost three times the hight as the seedling pt. not sure why it is growing so much faster when the seedling was growing really slow before all this. and most people would probably think i am wasting my time with this experiment but i think i am saving time. it may be something for people th
oops for some reaosn the rest of the post did not show up so i will continue here i was going to say this may be a way for people trying to grow seedlings inside to save some space in the house.graft the top of the seedling closer to the base and do that a few times that way it will be a smaller plant when it does bloom just a thought
You can tell if the seedling is a lemon before it makes fruit-- the new leaves of lemon are bronze colored when they are small. Skeet
Mature cuttings taken from a fruit bearing tree are commonly grafted. Immature cuttings taken from a seedling tree and then grafted lower onto a seedling tree is unusual to say the least. I understand what and why you are doing this, and it will produce a more compact fruiting tree, but it will not save any time until the tree mature and fruits. All in all, the best way to save time is spend $20.00 and purchase a grafted citrus tree already in fruit. That way you have fruit in one day.- Millet
that sort of defeats the purpose i like to grow stuff from seeds to see what they are and if i can keep the plant smaller while not slowing the time to fruit down thats what i am trying to do allot of people want to know what there seedling tree is its the only way to get different fruits i have bought trees but this is an experiment i would rather do it this way than grow several trees to 10 feet tall to find out they are no good and wasting all that space and for people that prefere the quick easy way than thats an option they have. i just wanted to show a different aproach to going about things. i am just cutting out the parts that will never fruit.
ty i just like to experiment with stuff good thing i donot have anything but this small yard to many plants to many projects already