I have a 6 month old meyer lemon tree and just had to bring it inside due to the weather in Chicago. Now all the leaves have fallen off and the lemons have turned yellow. The branches are starting to turn brown. I checked the soil temp and it is 64.5 degrees and moist. Not sure how to save this tree. Help!!
I heard that citruses really hate the change of scenery. We have a 30 yo grapefruit tree which we had to move from one house to another a couple of years ago. It was very stressed, dropped 90% of leaves (though I don't remember branches dying off), and I thought it was a goner. I pruned it pretty dramatically and continued watering, and it came all back in late winter I think. It now looks better than ever. I really have no idea how this experience may be compatible with the advice that I heard to get them outside for the summer; I've been terrified to touch it ever since. Good luck!
My experience with the Meyer Citrus is similar, and time will be one element in your quest to resusitate it… it may just go dormant, building up root strength, and new foliage to follow when the sun is stronger by late spring? Do not keep the roots wet or it will rot… good luck, and check out MILLET's post on Citrus, he is an expert.