I bought a small plant many years ago, split it in three pots, and one of them consistently produces flowers.
I've seen the flowers in Hawai'i, but never on a houseplant. In Connecticut yet! And it's funny that they were part of the same plant, yet only one flowers.
Hi Wendy, I think the difference is slightly more direct sunlight for the one that blooms. Otherwise, they receive identical care. In plastic pots inside the decorative ceramic pots, minimal amount of water weekly and only occasional weak fertilizer solution.
The flowers are beautiful, and their fragrance is uniquely lovely. My S. trifasciata blooms every summer I can get it outside onto the patio. 30+ years old, 4 feet tall.
Mine got flowers every year in the house. It definitely has to do with sunlight and the warmth. It needed extra watering at that time. It was 5 feet tall, covering the surface, of the 18" wide planter. It was about 11 years old, when I re-homed it. Started a new one, with a cutting.