Sansevieria - Mother-in-law tongue (very droopy)

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Mr Greenthumb, May 29, 2009.

  1. Mr Greenthumb

    Mr Greenthumb Member

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    Pueblo, Co
    I need to know what i can do to get my plant to stand straight up, this mother in laws tongue is several years old now, but it does not want to stand up, its in great sunlight and even has some new sprouts coming up but for some reason in looks sad on the taller stalks what can be done for this?
  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    D'you mean droopy as in squishy, or droopy as in the darn things just want to lie down? If the former, well, that could be a serious problem. If the latter, mine does it too. Combination of the leaves getting so tall and the root system being fairly shallow. Indoors or out I set mine (just shy of 3' tall) so that it's propped up by the wall, other plants, etc. For a while, I set small dowel rods in the pot and tied a cord around to make a "corral" for support. I do clip off the biggest, floppiest outside leaves when they persist to the point where they fall over and crack across.

    So, as to your question: you might try repotting, just a tad deeper. As for appearance---either tolerance or pruning. Your plant sounds healthy, which is good. And keep an eye out (and a nostril!)---sansevieria can and do bloom!
  3. Mr Greenthumb

    Mr Greenthumb Member

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    Pueblo, Co
    I think i am going to dowel my plant a little. I cant wait for it to flower, I hear that they are rather pungent.

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