No, it is not Sans. cylindrica. Sans. cylindrica originates from Angola not India. Sans. 'Bandipur' is a collection of Sans. ebracteata made by Jerry Barad in 1975. It is unique among the Indian species by having semi-cylindrical channeled leaves.
Hi Steve, nice to have your reply. I dont know much about this Sans. 'Bandipur', that's why I create a post in this forum. Could you tell me more, or where can I get complete literature on sans, beside Chahinian's and Pfennig's book?
There is no single up-to-date publication on Sansevieria. Chahinian's book is not reliable because it is full of errors. Pfennig passed away before he could write a book. I would suggest you join the International Sanseviera Society and subscribe to the journal and get all the back issues. There I published reviews of Brown's monograph and names since then. There will be more in future issues. You may also want to join the Sansevieria Yahoo group for more info.
OK, I will check the yahoogroups. I have already know about the ISS' website before. Yet, I have not join it. Maybe later.
Fool-hardy Sansevierias (Missouri Botanical Garden bulletin) by Ladislaus Cutak (Unknown Binding - 1966) ----- is the first thing published in the USA, since reprints of N.E. Browns Monograph of 1915 was available...I believe my book THE SANSEVIERIA BOOK (1983) is the first whole "book" on the Genus published in the USA, and it, too, is full of errors, but back then that was all we had with which to work, and many of those error came to us directly from the field botanists who were collecting the plants. Soon it will be out again with what, 25 years of revisions, notes, COLOUR...which was very costly back then, and what-all. I am pleased that we have MORE plants than we did back in the early 80's, nothing is worse to the collector than to COMPLETE a collection. It's the end of the road! I also host a yahoogroup,, which is totally unmoderated and very nicely international in its membership. plant trading and gift-giving breaks out all the time. Little by little knowledge increases, despite the effort and downright confusion such a process inevitably entails.