I've had a little sand cherry tree for about 4 year now and it has been very healthy until this spring. It finished flowering about 2 weeks ago and since then I noticed that the tips on a lot of the branches have now wilted. Not all of the tips are doing this; it appears random, and it is only the fist 2-3" of the tip, beyond that the leaves are fine and healthy looking. Any thoughts on what is affecting my little tree?
Could the tips, new growth, be suffering from the abrupt change of recent higher temperatures and sunlight ? Or is it getting enough water ?
The tree has been in ground since I bought it 4 years ago and nothing has changed condition wise. No other plants are affected either, just seems strange that it is only the very tips but not all of them - some of the wilted tips are shaded, some are in the sun, and they are all around not just on one side. I will tried to post pictures later.