Absolutely ... BTW, the correct terminology is frond, not "frong" (or was that a typo?). Cheers, LPN.
Jim, I have sagos, and they seem to LOVE miracle grow. Everytime I give them a good bucketfull... within a week they are putting out new frons. It's like clockwork.
Sagos (Cycas) and other cycads grow in flushes--they put out a whole batch of leaves at once, entirely different from palms, which grow more or less continuously. Experts like Tom Broome have worked diligently at maximizing growth in their nurseries. It turns out that fertilizer may stimulate a flush, or fertilizer during flushing will help the plant recover from its big outlay of resources.
Dave, I understand the growing flushes thing, but I am interested to hear that theory that Tom Broome uses, I had always thought they're growth flushes were in spring/summer but had never thought to try this!! I might give it a blast on a Zamia that only "flushes" every second year for some reason.... Thanks Ed
Ed, I thought i would give your miracle grow a try. I had used some 16-8-8 fertilizer before and had no results so far so i'll wait and see. Jim