I've had this sago palm for about 3 years. In that time, it's never grown any new leaves, but it's always seemed fine. Always was a pretty bright green color until recently. About 3 months ago, I noticed 3 of the leaves drooping, so I cut them, and brought it outside. I think the sun was to much for it, the rest of the leaves started turning brown. So I brought it back inside where it gets morning indirect sun, and this is what it looks like. I don't know what else to do. I water it every other week, once the soil has dried out. Should I cut off all the leaves (they all are brown on the tips?) Should I leave them all alone? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Your right, the shock of the sun was too much it. If you want to put in more light you will have to do this progressively. I would leave the leaves on there. Ed